August 12, 2004

Big Hair Any Day...

My cousin came and went this past week. It's just so nice to have someone from my family come in for a visit. As I've said before it doesn't happen often but when it does I get more excited the Bo Bo the freakin' clown.

We really didn't to a whole bunch. We sat around the first night drinking and just bullshitting. The second night he made us a Tri tip roast steak (I'm not exactly sure what it was). He wanted to treat us since he was staying at our house. He made a cheese a fruit plate as well. My husband who pretty much is either a meat and potatoes or just give him a plate of **sauce and he'll be happy kinda guy, looked at my cousin like he just smoked a huge doob. Brie cheese? Grapes? French Bread? What the hell? It was good though.

The final night we went to this place called the Scene Pavilion right on the Cuyahoga River. RAT and Vince Neil was singing there. No, not together. But wouldn't that be cool? Our household (more my husband than I) love Motley Crue. In fact our cat's name is Motley, so, my husband felt that he had died and gone to heaven. It was a good time. But, do you remember in Our day the rockers/fans used to have big hair, skin tight pants, boots, scarves, make up? It's not like that anymore - I know obviously - Now it's all about the piercings and tattoos. The more piercing you have the cooler you are? I don't get this. I'm not a prude or anything. I mean I have a tattoo. I have three piercings in my ear. My belly buttons pierced. Isn't that enough? What girl in their right mind thinks that a huge nose piercing is gorgeous. I'm not talkin about the nostril kind - I'm talkin about that damn bar bell that goes through the bottom part. For that matter do they honestly think that a lip piercings sexy? If you have one and your partner has one. What happens when you kiss? What if all your hardware gets interlocked? may think you look cool now. But, do these people realize the older they get the more retarded you look? Grow the fuck up. Your not 15 years old people. You’re an adult.

I just don't get it. Some one please try and explain this to me.


P.S. I'll have pictures soon.

Posted by Tiffani at August 12, 2004 10:00 AM | TrackBack

Wearing metal is supposed to show toughness, since you get spiked without pain meds. The harder the place that gets pierced is, the tougher you are. That's why people with the bridge of their nose spiked have so much more angst than people who just have a barbell in their eyebrow.

Posted by: Jim at August 12, 2004 01:54 PM

I get that and appreciate it. When your younger you have something to say to the world. Fine by me. What I don't get are these 30 or even 20 somethings. What the hell do they have to prove? Grow up. That's it. No one will take you seriously. Do people really think that they look good. That it's attractive? I mean...come on?

Posted by: Tiffani at August 12, 2004 02:41 PM

I'll never get it either. I think we were lucky to be children of the 80's. We can cut our hair, take off the boots, tight acid washed jeans, and makeup (I NEVER wore makeup) and we're respectable again. These kids can't. They are all gonna look (and feel) mightly silly 40 years from now...

Posted by: Clancy at August 25, 2004 01:53 PM

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